Multidrug Resistant Microbial Populations Impact On Veterinary And Public Health | FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE
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Multidrug Resistant Microbial Populations Impact on Veterinary and Public Health

Programme Leader / Ketua Program
1. Prof. Dr . Latiffah Hassan- Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology

Name of CO-Researcher / Nama Penyelidik

2. Prof. Dr. Jalila Abu - Avian MedicineDr. Saleha Abdul Aziz - Veterinary Public Health
3. Prof. Dr. Zunita Zakaria - Molecular Microbiology
4. Assoc. Professor Dr. Arifah Abdul Kadir - Pharmacology Veterinary Preclinical Sciences
5. Assoc. Professor Dr. Ooi Peck Toong - Swine Medicine
6. Assoc. Professor Dr. Chen Hui Cheng - Small Animal Medicine
7. Dr. Siti Zubaidah Ramanoon - Large Animal Medicine and Epidemiology, Veterinary Clinical Sciences


Multidrug-resistant microorganisms (MDRO) are significant global health threats. This program delivers important information about the epidemiological, social and molecular drivers of MDRO including veterinary and human-related activities, resistance gene deliveries, drug resistance evolution and mitigation methodologies, specifically for those pathogens shared between animals and humans; focusing on major food-borne pathogens such as E. coli, Salmonella and Campylobacter and other opportunistic human pathogens such as Klebsiella sp., Acinetobacter sp., and nosocomial pathogens such as methicillin-resistant Staphyloccous aureus and vancomycin-resistant enterococci.

This program will generate evidence-based legislation and policies for the use of antibiotics that will extend the life of the current antibiotics, reduce cost of animal husbandry, enhance therapy in both animals and humans, and initiate efforts to develop alternatives of overused drugs.

Keywords: Multidrug-resistant pathogens, veterinary antibiotics, public health

Research Highlights:

  • This research program combines the expertise of researchers from various disciplines such as epidemiology, public health, microbiology, human health and ecology to address each identified program objectives that will in the end link the various sciences into a cohesive whole in understanding how veterinary related activities can affect the environmental and human health.

  • Members from this team are reference persons in several government agencies such as the Department of Veterinary Services, Ministry of Health and are members of several national level working groups and committees such as Interagency Committee on Zoonoses, Technical Group on Zoonoses, National OIE Committee and Occupational Health National Committee.

  • Each members of this team have had at least a decade of experience conducting multidisciplinary research and has produce numerous publications in national and reputable/high impact international journals.

  • Members of this research group have received several national and international research grants in areas related to the proposed program.

  • This research program will provide evidence to shape sustainable policies and guidelines on the use of antimicrobial agents in food animals.

  • This program will initiate the formation of Multidrug Resistant Task Force to monitor the change in resistance pattern over time and work side by side with multiple national agencies to enhance the monitoring of drug resistance.

Recent Projects:

  • Research University Grant (60,000). Project No. 01/03/10/0956RU. Environmental Sustainability and efficacy of commonly used biocides on VRE isolates from chickens and humans. Jun 2010 - Jan 2013.

    ScienceFund R & D Pertanian. (RM 166,240). Project No. 05-01-04-SF1013. Evaluation of the effectiveness of FMD vaccination in cattle of Malaysian cattle. July 2009 - un 2011

    Research University Grant (60,000). Project No. 04/01/07/0078RU. Close associations with animal and animal products: Does it result in VRE of similar molecular characteristics to be selected in selected human populations? Jun 2007 - May 2009.

    Nuffic Foundation (The Netherlands) (RM 14,000). Molecular epidemiology of vancomycin resistant enterococci from selected populations of poultry, pigs and humans of Peninsular Malaysia. July 2006 - June 2008

    Recent Publications:

    Getachew Y, Hassan L, Zakaria Z, Zaid CZM, Yardi A, Shukor RA, Marawin LT, Embong F, Aziz SA. 2012.
    Characterization and risk factors of vancomycin-resistant Enterococci (VRE) among animal-affiliated workers in Malaysia. Journal of Applied Microbiology. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2672.2012.05406.x (IF 2.5)

    Aklilu E, Zakaria Z, Hassan L, Cheng CH. 2012.
    Molecular Relatedness of Methicillin-Resistant S. aureus Isolates from Staff, Environment and Pets at University Veterinary Hospital in Malaysia.PloS One 7:e43329. (IF 4.5)

    Amare LB, Saleha AA, Zunita Z, Jalila A, Hassan L. 2011.
    Prevalence of Arcobacter spp. on chicken meat at retail markets and in farm chickens in Selangor, Malaysia. Food Control 22:732-736. (IF 2.8)

    Getachew Y, Hassan L, Zunita Z and Saleha AA.
    Enterococcus faecalis isolated from humans, chickens and pigs in Malaysia. Applied and Enviromental Microbiology (reviewed with suggestion of modifications). (IF 4.5)

    Sohayati AR, Hassan L, Jonathan H. Epstein, et al. 2012
    The distribution and risk factors for seroprevalence to Nipah virus (NiV) among the reservoir host pteropid bats in Peninsular Malaysia. Emerging Infectious Diseases. DOI: /10.3201/eid1901.120221 (IF 6.8)

Updated:: 17/10/2022 [mjamil]


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